Friday, January 31, 2014

A Thanksgiving Question

                         Why Do We Eat Turkey On Thanksgiving  ? 

                                 When I was a child and still to this day my question has never been answered . I have heard a couple stories and that's is about it. All of the stories have been different,some close,but not the same . Why do we eat turkey for Thanksgivings ? Not that I have a problem with turkey, I just want to know why we eat it. It has been said that we  eat turkey because it should have been the national bird of New Jersey but the bald eagle  was . So the turkey has one day of the  365 days to itself .That day happens to be called Thanksgiving. This the most common answer besides " I don't know." 

                               Personal Thoughts

             I believe we eat turkey  to honor something that happened on that date. What that something I don't know. It could possible that its from the native Americans. I need to know why we do this . Do you know why we eat turkey on thanksgiving. I have always wanted to know why we do this. 
                        I honestly have no clue why we eat turkey on Thanksgiving. I just wish someone could tell a story that I can some what believe .  Do you know any idea why ? Moving on  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Why wouldn't I . It when you and your family sit down at the table and enjoy a feast.
Do you like it?

                            Question of the week 

             How do you think turkey is on the Thanksgiving table?


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